Should you have inquiries, contact us Main Office: 614-697-0407


Nurse OkekeHomecare Service LLC & Training Center

Are you determined to become a Home Health Aide? With our training and guidance, you will be equipped with everything you need to succeed in your field. Enroll in one of our programs today and begin taking the first steps toward reaching your goal.

  • medical personnel holding her notes
  • medical personnel holding her notes
medical personnel holding her notes

Quality Home Health Aide Training Home Health Aide Training Course

On-Site Classes

Receive training at our well-equipped facility.[ Click Here › ]

Hybrid Classes

We offer a blend of online and classroom training.[ Click Here › ]

Meet Our Trainers

Get to know the healthcare professionals in charge of your training.[ Click Here › ]

Training Dependable Home Health Aides Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide quality training to future Home Health Aides through well-structured programs that are designed to promote competency and trust. [ About Us › ]